Okay, actually the query is something like:

select dept, (col1 + col2) * col3) from table group by dept

So, the output would look something like:

Dept    Total
------     -------
1         26
2         18
3         9

Sam Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 07:46:34AM -0700, 
Jeff Lanzarotta wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a table that looks something like this:
> SKU   Dept   Col1   Col2  Col3
> -------   ------   -------   -------  ------
> 1        1        1        2       3
> 2        1        2        3       4
> 3        2        1        0       1
> 4        2        0        1       2
> 5        2        4        1       3
> 6        3        1        2       3
> I am having a problem trying to get the Is there a query that can do
> something like this:
> select sku, dept, (col1 + col2) * col3) from table group by dept

What are you expecting the group by to do here?  It may be helpful if
you show what you expect the output to be.


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