Ken Johansson wrote:
Im installing the latest software (
postgresql-8.2.5-1-binaries-no-installer.....) on windows xp but i dont know
what file to click to install  - this seems very ambiguous.  Can anyone

You don't mention platform, but Win32 is the only one with a no-installer binary, so I guess we can assume you are installing on some approved version of Windows. Why did you elect a no-installer version? The regular version comes with an installer and is very easy to install. I see the following note on the download page:

" is a zip of the PostgreSQL
installation directory. It does not include any of the bundled apps or
drivers and is intended for expert users only!"

It's a zip file, you just unzip it where you want it installed. But since you don't know what to do with it, I'd suggest you go with instead. Unzip in a temporary directory, read the README file, then double click the MSI file (or just type the name at a command prompt if you use that.)

Guy Rouillier

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