
As far as I understand pg_xlog  is the transaction log i.e. the WAL.

I have a pg 8.2 which has consumed about 113MB in pg_xlog/, while the
cluster is virtually empty. There are a couple of tables in the postgres
schema, but they contain no data at the moment. My disk is filling up and
I want to purge directories that are larger than need to be.
I performed a VACUUM FULL, because I thought that would help, but it did not.
I searched the net and the forums here and found only one post about
tuning the wal parameters to control the pg_xlog directory size, but when
looking at the documentation for that I found nothing that could be used
for that

Also the base/ directory is 268MB big and still not many tables, is ti
possible to purge that directory as well?.

I would appreciate some help on what to do.



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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