Some new data about this issue:

SELECT * or naming all the columns locks the client application. Yesterday
I´ve wrongly said that when naming all the columns instead of using the *
the applications did not lock.

I can not reproduce the problem in others 8.2.4 servers.  I´ve others 8.2.4
servers and I´m able to do the "SELECT * from tb_produtos where codigo=5002"
and always using the same windows psql client. I´ve transfered the table to
the other 8.2.4 servers using the pg_dump/psql sequence.

If I create another database in the same server, and transfer the table with
a pg_dump/psql in this new database the problem persists.

Even creating another cluster in the same server and restoring the table
there it does not work.

This is the only 64 bits box with the 8.2.4, don´t know if this has anything
to do with the problem.

Don´t know but apparently the problem is not an issue in the client, as I´m
able to connect and do the select * in other 8.2.4 servers.

Don´t know what kind of tests I should do to help fixing this problem.

Any suggestions?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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