On 10/9/07, Reece Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Mon, 2007-10-08 at 17:34 -0700, Ralph Smith wrote:
> What is the best way to upgrade?  Use pg_dumpall (using 8.2's program),
> afterwards redirect that file into v8.2 via psql v8.2?
> There are lots of ways to do this. My favorite is to bring a new cluster
> on port 5433 and then pipe data between them, roughly like this:
> $ /path/to/7.4/pg_dumpall -p5432 ... | /path/to/8.2/psql -p5433 -qaf- >
> restore.log 2>&1

Note that when possible you should dump with the pg_dump/pg_dumpall of the
version you're going to, in this case 8.2's pg_dumpall

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