On 10/8/07, Bill Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most people didn't completely read my email and thus unfortunately
> completely missed the point, in many cases seemingly because they were
> too quick to jump on my use of Outlook as an email client (thus assuming
> I was just one of "those" terrible horrible know-nothing Windows users).

Just to be fair, this can also affect evolution email client on linux as well.

But I quit using it a while back in favor of thunderbird so haven't
seen these headers cause problems in quite some time.

> It's obvious from 3 years of reading these forums that there is a "Linux
> Postgres users good, Windows Postgres users bad" bias by many (but not
> all) of the members rather than them realizing that " 'we' are all
> Postgres users

I wouldn't quite go that far, but there are definitely plenty of
people of the attitude of "you chose windows, you deal with it"
attitude.  I tend to be that way on very specific windows just because
I don't know enough about it to be helpful, but I generally just keep
that to myself.

> To be fair to these listservs though, they are MUCH better than many in
> terms of providing support, and I can't remember the last time I saw a
> flame war erupt.

Even when they do, they're usually pretty polite flame wars. :)

>  (But I'm still not going to post the problem I've been
> hitting recently running Postgres 7.4.1 on a SuSE 9.0 box -- somehow I
> think the first few responses might be "get OFF that version".
> [Hopefully will upgrade very soon, but can't just yet on that specific
> machine.  Meanwhile it's a production server so I'll just have to deal
> with it...])

You'll notice that most of the time that that's posted, it's also
accompanied by other advice.  But running 7.4.1 is like driving a
pinto in a demolition derby, you're just asking for big trouble, and
no one wants to see you burst into flames, metaphorically speaking.

I wonder if there's a way of having your MTA scrape the headers of
incoming mail so those x-headers can be removed.  I'd imagine it's a
simple hack in sendmail / qmail etc... on unix.  Don't know about

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