Oh, sorry, I misread your question and didn't realize the distributed copies would need to make modifications back. AFAIK, the MusicBrainz system is master/slave, not multi-master.

On Mon, 8 Oct 2007, Laurent ROCHE wrote:


As far as I can see MusicBrainz only does one way replication (which I already 
Two ways replication (without re-sending the information you have just 
received) is a bit more complex.

I could not find much info on the MusicBrainz project anyway.

The Computing Froggy

----- Message d'origine ----
Cc : pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Envoyé le : Samedi, 6 Octobre 2007, 2h49mn 59s
Objet : Re: [GENERAL] Very asynchrnous replication system

The MusicBrainz project replicates in a way that sounds like it could fit your 
needs. It depends on a lot of perl, but if that's not a showstopper, then maybe 
adapting their replication scheme would work for you.
On Oct 5, 2007, at 5:25 PM, Laurent ROCHE wrote:


I must replicate (or synchronise) data between disconnected postgreSQL databases ... 
hence a replication "very asynchronous"!

Application description
This an application to manage sales forces with a central application (and 
postgreSQL server) where everybody in the office can connect (this a web 
application: Tomcat with Spring 2+ Struts 2 + iBatis + PostgreSQL).
But there are also "little itinerant applications": the sales rep have the 
application on their laptop and a PosgreSQL server with a copy of the data (they are 
interested in ) from the main server database.
From time to time, the sales reps connect to the internet and request a data 
synchronisation: they send their modification and receive the headquarters 
(no problem about data overlap: the data owner is clearly identified by the 
application framework)

My problem:
Does such an existing system (the replication one) exist ?
I search the web I did not find anything !
I have started to do something (with triggers, log table and table export - 
using DDL-Utils) ... but looking at the spreadth of the task layed out in front 
of me, I am thinking that I will be better off using or adapting an existing 
replication system

Have fun,
The Computing Froggy

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