On Monday 01 October 2007, Mike Charnoky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is strange... count(*) operations over a period of one day's worth
> of data now take ~1-2 minutes to run or ~40 minutes.  It seems that the
> first time the data is queried it takes about 40 minutes.  If I try the
> query again, it finishes in 1-2 minutes!
> Again, nothing else is happening on this db server except for a constant
> insertion into this table and a few others.  I have done "set statistics
> 100" for the evtime field in this table.

The first time, you're reading from disk. The second time, you're reading 
from cache. Tens of millions of disk seeks don't come cheap.

We're Microsoft. Everything else is just patent infringement.

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