On 9/27/07, John Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/27/07, John Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > how'd i "grant select on (all current and future tables inside a
> > private schema) to username" without turning that user into superuser?
> > "grant usage on..." doesn't do it.
> >
> > or do i, everytime i batch/auto create the tables, do a "grant select
> > on (new table) to username"?
> also how'd i find access privileges for a schema. something like "\z
> schemaname" not "\dp schemaname."?

ok let me ask this one other way:
when i "drop user username" which system tables does it access to then reply:
ERROR: role "username" cannot be dropped...
DETAIL: access to schema schemaname

where is this "access to schema..." info stored?

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