Alban Hertroys skrev:
> Nis Jørgensen wrote:
>> If you can't wait, you are probably better off working around the
>> problem. Standard solution is to do:
>> UPDATE  master SET m2 = -m2;
>> UPDATE  master SET m2 = -m2+1;
>> or something similar.
> Would something like
> UPDATE master set m2 = master2.m2
>   FROM (
>       SELECT m2 +1
>         FROM master m
>        WHERE m.master_id = master.master_id
>        ORDER BY m2 DESC
>  ) master2
> work? I think it might be faster (and possibly cause less index bloat)
> than doing two consequent updates.

I don't understand your query. I don't think you can use a correlated
subquery in that way.

Anyway, tricks like these might work. They might stop working without
warning, if the plan changes. Relying on unspecified behavior is a
recipe for trouble.


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