On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 11:38 -0700, Jeff Davis wrote:
> I think it would be useful if pg_standby (in version 8.3 contrib) could
> be observed in some way.
> Right now I use my own standby script, because every time it runs, it
> touches a file in a known location. That allows me to monitor that file,
> and if it is too stale, I know something must have gone wrong (I have an
> archive_timeout set), and I can send an SNMP trap.
> Would it be useful to add something similar to pg_standby? Is there a
> better way to detect a problem with a standby system, or a more
> appropriate place?
> The postgres logs do report this also, but it requires more care to
> properly intercept the "restored log file ... from archive" messages.

Well, the definition of it working correctly is that a "restored log
file..." message occurs. Even with archive_timeout set there could be
various delays before that happens. We have two servers and a network
involved, so the time might spike occasionally.

Touching a file doesn't really prove its working either.

Not sure what to suggest otherwise.

  Simon Riggs
  2ndQuadrant  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com

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