howto check column than row??

create table horizontal (id integer, first varchar(8), last varchar(8));
insert into horizontal values ('1', 'Jack', 'Ja');
insert into horizontal values ('2', 'Jill', 'Ji');
insert into horizontal values ('3', 'Mary', 'Ma');
select * from horizontal where true;
| id | first | last  |
|  1 | Jack  | Ja |
|  2 | Jill  | Ji   |
|  3 | Mary   | Ma |
(3 rows)
create table vertical (id varchar(8), one varchar(8));
insert into vertical values ('first', 'Jack');
insert into vertical values ('last', 'Ja');
alter table vertical add column two varchar(8);
update vertical set two = 'Jill' where id = 'first';
update vertical set two = 'Ji' where id = 'last';
alter table vertical add column three varchar(8);
update vertical set three = 'Mary' where id = 'first';
update vertical set three = 'Ma' where id = 'last';
select * from vertical where true;
|  id   |  one  | two  | three |
| first | Jack  | Jill | Mary   |
| last  | Ja | Ji  | Ma |
(2 rows)
select * from horizontal where last like 'J%' order by last;
| id | first | last  |
|  1 | Jack  | Ja |
|  2 | Jill  | Ji   |
(2 rows)

howto get flip result from vertical??

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [GENERAL] an other provokative question??
Date: Thu, September 06, 2007 3:32 pm

Relational database pioneer says technology is obsolete

kindlt explain how??

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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