You're right, that's not how I understood your partitioning question. I'd not
be eager to implement that kind of split in the db, though I can see that
it's an example of how to spread the load around.

But basically, it seems that the answer to one of my questions is that there
is currently no way with postgres to spread a single database over multiple
servers, ala a loadbalanced apache cluster, where requests are forwarded to
different boxes.

It's not going to be an issue for me soon, maybe ever, I just wanted to see
what the score is.

Scott Marlowe-2 wrote:
> On 9/8/07, novnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes the trx would be akin to banking operations.
>> This is good: "Can you partition your data to multiple servers?" That's
>> kind
>> of my question! <g> I've not dealt with RAC, data partitioning, any of
>> those
>> topics; just haven't had exposure. But since you're asking me if the data
>> can be partitioned to different servers, it must mean that at least under
>> some cirucumstances, postgres can do this.
> Not sure you understood my question.  I'm talking about partitioning
> your database into multiple unrelated parts.  I.e. people with last
> names starting with a-m on one and n-z on the other, that kind of
> thing.  The partitioning would be part of your app, and your app would
> hit the right pgsql machine.
> Again, it has a LOT to do with what exactly your trying to do.
> Solutions don't present themselves until you define the problem you're
> trying to solve.  And the way to solve it in postgresql might be
> different than how you'd do it with a different database.
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