To follow up on my own post, I came up with a workable solution based on
scrolling cursors. The SP approach didn't work out for me, I didn't
manage to declare a cursor in PL/pgSQL that could be positioned
absolutely (maybe that's due to us still using PG 8.1.something?).

A solution to that would be appreciated.

Anyway, I solved the problem in our application (PHP). I even got a
workable solution to prevent returning the same record more than once.
Here goes:

function randomSet($query, $limit, $uniqueColumn) {

        // queries; depends on your DB connector
        MOVE FORWARD ALL IN _cur;

        //GET DIAGNOSTICS _count := ROW_COUNT;
        $count = pg_affected_rows();

        $uniques = array();
        $resultSet = array();
        while ($limit > 0 && count($uniques) < $count) {
                $idx = random(1, $count);

                $record = FETCH ABSOLUTE $idx FROM _cur;

                // Skip records with a column value we want to be unique
                if (in_array($record[$uniqueColumn], $uniques)

                $uniques[] = $record[$uniqueColumn];
                $resultSet[] = $record;

        // query
        CLOSE _cur;

        return $resultSet;

I hope this is useful to anyone. It worked for us; it is definitely
faster than order by random(), and more random than precalculated column
values. Plus it translates directly to what we are requesting :)

Alban Hertroys wrote:
> I thought of another solution (with only a few calculations of random())
> that can be deployed in existing versions of PG, using a set-returning
> function with a scrolling cursor that accepts the query string as input
> like this (in pseudoish-code):
> ----
> create function random(text _query, integer _limit)
> returns set
> volatile
> as $$
>     _cur cursor;
>     _cnt bigint;
>     _idx integer;
>     _rowpos bigint;
>     _rec record;
>     open _cur for execute query;
>     fetch forward all into _rec;
>     -- select total nr of records into _cnt
>     for _idx in 1.._limit loop
>         _rowpos := random() * _cnt;
>         fetch absolute _rowpos into _rec;
>         return next _rec;
>     end loop;
>     return;
> END;
> $$
> language 'plpgsql';
> ----

Alban Hertroys

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