On Tue, 28 Aug 2007, Decibel! wrote:

On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 03:10:34PM -0700, Ben wrote:
Hm, I assumed it wasn't running because pg_stat_all_tables shows the last
vacuum from several weeks ago, and this is an active db. Also, I see no
vacuum activity in the logs. But "show autovacuum" does show it being

Last vacuum, or last autovacuum?

Doh! I was looking at last_vacuum. Unfortunately, the *last_autovaccum* column is completely blank on the tables I'm inserting into, so I guess it's never worked there.

But I do see the stats collector running, and upping the log level to debug2 does show that the autovacuum at least starts running, and never seems to have any errors.


After some tests, it seems that autovacuum doesn't kick in from simple inserts, as the manual says it will. You have to delete and/or update as well. Am I misreading the manual?

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