Kynn Jones wrote:
I'm hoping to get some advice on a design question I'm grappling with.
 I have a database now that in many respects may be regarded as an
collection of a few hundred much smaller "parallel databases", all
having the same schema.  What I mean by this is that, as far as the
intended use of this particular system there are no meaningful queries
whose results would include information from more than one of these
parallel component databases.  Furthermore, one could delete all the
records of any one of these parallel components without affecting the
referential integrity of the rest of the database.

Therefore, both for performance and maintenance reasons, the idea of
splitting this database into its components looks very attractive.
This would result in a system with hundreds of small databases (and in
the future possibly reaching into the low thousands).  I don't have
experience with such a situation, and I'm wondering if there are
issues I should be concerned about.

Alternatively, maybe there are techniques to achieve the benefits of
this split without actually carrying it out.  The two benefits I see
are in the areas of performance and maintenance.  As for performance,
I assume (naively, I'm sure) that searches will be faster in the
individual component databases, simply because it's a search among
fewer pieces of information.  And for maintenance, I think the split
would make the system more robust during database updates, because
only a small component would be updated at a time, and the rest of the
system would completely insulated from this.

I'd very much appreciate your thoughts on these issues.

I imagine I'm not the first person to confront this kind of design
choice.  Does it have a standard name that I could use in a Google

I see four ways you can go with this and the choice will be the one that makes more sense to the way you see yourself accessing the data with only one of which affecting the performance the way you mention.

1. is to have each set of tables and data in a separate database.
2. is to have each set of tables duplicated in a different schema name.
3. is to have it all in one set of tables with a column to identify which set the row belongs to. 4. is to use the above with ddl-partitioning to achieve data separation removing the performance costs of having it all in one table.

The first leaves you with complete data separation, you log in differently to access each data set. If you using psql then you would use a connect command to look at different data. Other clients may mean you need to disconnect then connect.

The second allows you to to use the same log in command and you can either use schema qualifications with the table names to access the data set you want, or change the default schema to change between data sets. The difference will depend on your client. You can use schema qualified names with your client inserting the selected schema when generating the sql. Or you may use SET search_path TO myschema; then SELECT without schema qualified names, leaving your sql as it is.

The last two are similar with the forth using the ddl setup to separate the data into separate tables for you, so you will still have the same (or very close) performance as if each is separated by schema or db. Here you would have to include datasetidcolumn=x within each sql statement. Again this may be inserted by your client as it generates the sql.

Whether the tables are separated by dbname, schema name or ddl-partitioning each will be a separate table using their own indexes etc.

As far as backup/restore goes, you won't find much difference with either option - 3 will mean they will be all together in one backup file, the others mean adding a line to your backup script to dump the data set to it's own file. If you just want to dumpall to one file then it won't matter either way.

Apart from the first the other options allow you to share data between data sets - a postcode list, state names, country names...

The choice may also be affected by your knowledge of sql. The ddl-partitioning may make your table structure more complex and harder for you to think with (mainly when defining a new data set). Yet adding a column will mean adding it in one place (the parent table) not repeating it for each db or schema.

As you mention increasing to a few thousand db's - what sort of server load are you expecting? Would moving a few hundred of the db's to another server be easier than setting up load balancing/replication when things get too busy for your current server?

Of course if you ever want to report on stats comparing all db's then the last two will be the easiest. You may change your mind there later - even if each data set is a clients financial records - what if you want to ask which clients spend too much money on office supplies? which clients will be affected by the new tax changes? or which clients have the largest profit margins? list top ten clients with the most turnover. If they all relate to different websites then which is the least productive and not worth continuing?

I guess I rattled on a bit there - but that should cover most of the points you will need to consider to make the choice. Even though you say you don't need the data all together think forward to what may happen in the future, and how much work it will be if you do change your mind.


Shane Ambler

Get Sheeky @ http://Sheeky.Biz

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