Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Magnus Hagander wrote:
>> 8.3 will have a new way to deal with shared mem on win32. It's the same
>> underlying tech, but we're no longer trying to squeeze it into an
>> emulation of sysv. With a bit of luck, that'll help :-)

> So you're saying we won't fix this bug in 8.2?

Well, we certainly aren't going to back-patch a major rewrite that
(1) hasn't made it through beta testing, and (2) is not actually known
to fix the bug.  When and if those gating conditions stop being true,
maybe we could consider a back-patch.

But at the moment this is all speculation ... I counsel concentrating
on finding out what's really happening on Terry's machine, before trying
to guess whether we already have a fix written.

                        regards, tom lane

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