Robin Helgelin wrote:
On 8/21/07, Guy Rouillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, you haven't told us much about your webapp.  Are you using
connection pooling?  If so, then you'll need to provide the webapp
userid as an additional parameter to your database updates.  If you are
not using connection pooling, such that your webapp userids are
connecting as themselves, then the problem becomes much easier; you've
got the correct userid to log by just looking at the connection details.

Yes, this is where I'm too new to postgresql, how do I tell the
database which user is logged in to the webapp? A session parameter?
There will be connection pooling, but if I know how to solve the
previous question I don't think it's hard to get it working with the

Well, I can't find a way to set a variable associated with a connection, so probably the easiest thing to do is to add an "updated_by" column to your regular table (i.e., the non-history version.) Then just include the userid from your webapp as the value for that column. Your history table can then be updated by just copying the entire row from the base table whenever an insert or update occurs.

If you don't like the idea of adding an "updated_by" column to your base table, then you can wrap the insert inside of a stored proc and pass the userid value to the stored proc. The proc can update the base table without the userid, then update the history table with it.

Guy Rouillier

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