True... apologies for any offence caused. Tweaking emotion levels..... done :)
The core problem is that we are maintaining a fairly mature app, and the 
behaviour in question means we effectively can't integrate with 
postgresql (which is a shame - I really *really* want to... we currently 
ship with MSDE!). We can't really re-engineer our transaction 
demarcation, we need to be able to handle errors and continue.
It seems like something that would be fairly easy to change... I don't 
know. I read someone talking about putting automatic checkpoints on 
every statement that goes through the jdbc driver to get around this 
issue. Perhaps this is the only way... unless pg could be put in a mode 
where it did this for you... like autocommit, but auto-checkpoint.
Otherwise, I love everything else about postgresql, such as partitioning 
etc, which I would love to implement if I knew our app could recover 
from errors.

it is all so easy with other dbs, but with postgresql
it is a nightmare... the only solution I can see is to remove the
declarative transactions in Spring and start using manual transactions
blocks around everything that could possibly go wrong... just because of
a quirk in postgresql....
This may or may not be a design flaw in postgresql, but perhaps you
could reduce the emotional pitch of your emails - some people here
(and I am not one of them, to be honest) put a lot of work for no
payoff except the pride of contributing to a good product, and to have
it insulted seems, well, personally insulting, not to mention
unprofessional and a little silly and not something that belongs on a

That being said, I feel your pain.  Perhaps we can take this as an
opportunity to make the product better, rather than an opportunity to
bag on it by calling it "quirky" and "a nightmare".

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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Tyson Lloyd Thwaites
Lead Software Developer
Allianza Services Pty Ltd

M: 0404 456 858
P: (+618) 8232 5525
F: (+618) 8232 8252

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