Decibel! wrote:
On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 11:14:25AM -0400, Ranjan Kumar Baisak wrote:
Postgres Gurus,
Please suggest me what is wrong with this function. This function tries to retrieve set of rows from description table based on set of ID fields passed as array.

The error, I get is : ERROR:  only one AS item needed for language "plpgsql"

CREATE OR REPLACE function get_description_list(integer[]) RETURNS SETOF type_description AS
       WHERE in array_to_string(ints_desc_ids alias,',')

Note the quotes.

Use dollar quoting... it$$s your friend.
I tries wir $$ as well as ''(two single quotes instead of one single quote) but still got the same error.
I think the error is with

 WHERE in array_to_string(ints_desc_ids alias,',').
I need a way using integer array in where clause.

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