On 16/08/07, Rainer Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gregory Stark wrote:
> >"Rainer Bauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >> Anyway, what Phoenix is trying to say is that 2 queries are required: One 
> >> to
> >> get the total count and one to get the tuples for the current page. I 
> >> reckon
> >> it would help, if the query returning the result set could also report the
> >> total no. of tuples found. Somthing like
> >> SELECT COUNT(*), *  FROM <table> WHERE <cond> OFFSET <o> LIMIT <l>
> >>
> >> Or is there a way to do that?
> >
> >Well anything like the above would just report l as the count.
> True, but what about this:
> SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <table> WHERE <cond>), *  FROM <table> WHERE 
> <cond> OFFSET <o> LIMIT <l>

Whoa, this may not please SQL puritans but I love it! And yes, it is
cached. I find the idea of temporary tables and storing counts for
different 'slices' of my data untenable with all the complex mishmash
of triggers and such. The count(*) query seems to take a bit in the
beginning but works ok thereafter because it seems to be auto-cached.
Sweet. Thanks for sharing!!

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