Naz Gassiep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 1. The timezone list there isn't exactly user friendly, there are many 
> Etc/* timezones there, as well as others that would be potentially 
> confusing for users who are trying to select the timezone they are in.

Feel free to filter things you don't think are popular.  I'd be inclined
to delete Etc/ posix/ and right/ (the latter two only show up on some
platforms).  Another idea is to not show anything more than an hour or
two off from where you think the user is.

> 2. If a timezone is removed from the list for whatever reason, then the 
> system will be left with users who have selected a timezone that is no 
> longer a valid choice in the list.

I think that's pretty unlikely to happen, unless you switch to a
different platform.

                        regards, tom lane

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