On 8/15/07, Phoenix Kiula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Couple of questions with porting: > > 1. I have been playing around with my databases locally on Win XP so > as not to hurt our website traffic. Now I would like to move the > database to a Linux CentOS server. Can I use pg_dump on Windows and > pg_restore it on Linux? If so, any tips on what I should keep in mind > (e.g., manual seems to suggest that pg_restore prefers tar gzipped > format...but I'm not sure if Windows can generate this?) > > 2. I would like my database to be UTF-8. I issue the command > > CREATE DATABASE mydb OWNER me ENCODING 'utf8'; > > Should I add anything else to it, such as collation? I did not find > any option for that in here: > http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-createdatabase.html > > 3. Also, just to confirm, if I have utf-8 database, then all tables in > it should be able to take utf-8 data? I would just like these tables > to take whatever I send to them. No error checking or encoding > checking. Can I disable the painful error that PG keeps throwing if > even a single erroneous byte shows up? I'd rather have 'garbage data' > than not go through with the query.
Requirements 2 and 3 are exclusive. Either you want your database to be UTF-8, which means that invalid byte sequences should be rejected because they AREN'T utf-8, or you want your database to swallow whatever you throw at it, in which case, that's not UTF-8. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster