> What, exactly, does that mean?
> That PostgreSQL should take things in invalid utf-8 format and just store 
> them?
> Or that PostgreSQL should autoconvert from invalid utf-8 to valid
> utf-8, guessing the proper codes?
> Seriously, what do you want pgsql to do with these invalid inputs?

PG should let me, as the administrator of the database, decide whether
I mind my DB to have an option to:

1. Either allow the "invalid" input

2. Or to continue storing the other information in the table even if
an exception was thrown for the utf-8 column (which may be an
unrequired column, for instance, so I may want it not to block the
storage of other valid input which is more important)

I am not advocating what others should do. But I know what I need my
DB to do. If I want it to store data that does not match puritanical
standards of textual storage, then it should allow me to...

It's just a wishlist item from me, but I realize my voice may be

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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