Thanks for the tip -- I'll check into it.

Sorry for top-posting but my email reader is challenged.

Greg Williamson
Senior DBA
GlobeXplorer LLC, a DigitalGlobe company

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-----Original Message-----
From: Kristo Kaiv [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 8/7/2007 3:58 PM
To: Gregory Williamson
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] List tables in load order

On 02.08.2007, at 4:16, Gregory Williamson wrote:

> I am not sure if this is the appropriate list -- please point me at  
> the correct one if not.
> I'm trying to create a procedure that would let me retrieve a list  
> of tables and views in a database that will be used to control the  
> order in which lookup data is created/loaded. So, much simplified,  
> if table references table B, which in turn references table A, we  
> want output to list table A, B and C in that order.
> I'm sure that this exists -- the pg_dump command must use some  
> similar algorithm to decide in which order to load tables, but I  
> can't see to puzzle this out.
> Can anyone provide me with some clues, appropriate RTFM references,  
> etc. ?
> Apologies for any duplicate postings -- had issues with my sign up.
This is currently one of the main topics in skytools list. Check the  
AFAIK they don't have it quite ready yet but shouldn't take long...

Kristo Kaiv (PostgreSQL blog)

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