Could someone explain why \208 is not a valid syntax for bytea?

I am getting the following:

test=> select E'\\207'::bytea;
(1 row)
test=> select E'\\208'::bytea;
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type bytea
test=> select E'\\209'::bytea;
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type bytea
test=> select E'\\210'::bytea;
(1 row)

This all started when our version(older) of bugzilla trying to open a new
bug with a word attachment via email:

Aug  9 11:43:15 brain01 postgres[8631]: [5-1] ERROR:  invalid byte sequence
for encoding "UTF8": 0xd0cf

The first two bytes of the word document are 0xd0 0xcf and I am assuming
they are putting the two together since 0xd0 is invalid

0xd0 == \208


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