Hello, I'm fairly new to the more advanded functionality of PostgreSQL, especially writing functions in PL/pgSQL and have something of a design question, which doesn't seem to be answered anywhere I can google to.
I've a view created in my schema, for which I'm adding rules for updating and inserting data. When data is updated or inserted into that view, two tables in the database need to have inserted data into. Unfortunately my first attempt of putting two INSERT statements into the view rule's definition din't seem to be accepted by PostgreSQL. So, my next idea was to put both these INSERTs into a function, declared this way: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_trade_material(arg_diameter integer, arg_material_length real, arg_weight real, arg_loss real, arg_bar_type_id integer, arg_metal_type_id integer) RETURNS void AS $BODY$DECLARE new_material_id INT; BEGIN INSERT INTO material (diameter, material_length, weight, loss, bar_type_id, metal_type_id) VALUES (arg_diameter, arg_material_length, arg_weight, arg_loss, arg_bar_type_id, arg_metal_type_id) RETURNING "id" INTO new_material_id; INSERT INTO trade_material (material_id) VALUES (new_material_id); RETURN; END;$BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; ALTER FUNCTION create_trade_material(arg_diameter integer, arg_material_length real, arg_weight real, arg_loss real, arg_bar_type_id integer, arg_metal_type_id integer) OWNER TO hefajstos; and inside the view rule's definition I placed: DO SELECT create_trade_material(new.diameter, new.material_length, new.weight, new.loss, new.bar_type_id, new.metal_type_id) It works as expected. Both INSERTing and UPDATE-ing the view does modifications on both said tables, the return value though is an empty record set (or actually a single null-tuple). The problem is when I try to run INSERT or UPDATE with Hibernate in my Java application. I get one of these ugly stack traces from the exception: javax.transaction.RollbackException: Transaction marked for rollback. and nowhere to see any explanation. Since the Java code is perfectly correct, my guess is, that updating or inserting into the view the way I did it doesn't return an appropriate value marking success, since the function returns void and the INSERT or UPDATE returns that null tuple. What am I missing? Should I change the value returned by the create* function? If yes, than two what? Or is calling the function through a DO SELECT create* incorrect? -- Best regards, Michal mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster