

  I left our app on soak test overnight, it ran fine for some time but after a 
few hours I noticed the following messages repeated in the log (the tmp 
filename changes, but the PlPgSql function which causes it does not).


  2007-08-08 17:25:57 LOG:  failed to unlink 
"pg_tblspc/16403/16404/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp5260.0": Permission denied

  2007-08-08 17:25:57 CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "JobTargetNextUnsentGet" line 
40 at for over select rows


  The PlPgSql function is just a SELECT with 2 INNER JOINS, an integer 
comparison WHERE clause, with an ORDER BY time and a LIMIT 1.


  Could anyone please suggest what could be behind this error?


  Postgres version 8.2.3

  Windows 2003 SP2 

  I have checked the Changelog from 8.2.3-8.2.4 and nothing look relevant.



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