On Wednesday 8. August 2007 15:12, Alban Hertroys wrote:
>Leif B. Kristensen wrote:
>> CREATE RULE placelimit AS
>>     ON INSERT TO recent_places DO ALSO
>>     DELETE FROM recent_places
>>     WHERE
>>     -- this clause doesn't work
>>     -- (place_fk = NEW.place_fk AND id <> NEW.id) OR
>>     id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM recent_places ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT
>> 10);
>> When I try to use the commented clause above, no records are written
>> to the table at all! Why?
>Do you use nextval() for that id?

I use :

INSERT INTO recent_places (place_fk) VALUES ($place);

And that's the functional equivalent of using nextval() I guess.

>In that case I think you immediately delete the record after inserting
>it, as nextval gets called again in the delete statement, and thus id
> <> NEW.id.

Yeah, that sounds reasonable. 

>You should probably use a trigger (a before one maybe) instead of a
> rule.

I might consider that. But I figured that it should be trivial to modify 
Greg's example rule.
Leif Biberg Kristensen | Registered Linux User #338009
http://solumslekt.org/ | Cruising with Gentoo/KDE
My Jazz Jukebox: http://www.last.fm/user/leifbk/

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