You can group schemas with views, and it guarentees nobody will accidently overwrite somebody else's stuff. Merging a two schemas with identical table structure should also be quite trivial. Of course, if you have a lot of users, this might not work so well....

On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Owen Hartnett wrote:

At 2:15 PM -0700 8/7/07, Ben wrote:
How many users do you have? Have you considered giving each user a schema in which to make their changes? It sounds like you don't really have a multi-master replication issue, which makes things easier.

Maybe I'm not understanding the strategy, but I don't see what this buys me, as I have to end up with a single database schema that has incorporated all the changes. If I can "record" all the SQL a user does from the checkpoint on, then I can "psql <" it in to the main database. Once I've combined their data into the database that sits on the server, I don't need their database copies anymore.


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