Zlatko Matić wrote:
Hi. If I understood correctly, this blog describes how to create
second instance that is linked to first (the same service acount
user)? But, I want to know whether it is possible to have second
instance completely independent, not influencing each other?

Yes, just make sure you give each it's own user account and run it on a different port (typically default on 5432, next on 5433 etc). They will of course all compete for resources on the machine, but otherwise I don't see why Windows should be different from *nix.

Lots of people run multiple different versions on the various Linux/BSD/Mac OS-X boxes they have, but there's no reason why they couldn't be the same version.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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