"Bruce Momjian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> As far as I know, we asked for a libpq API change and you ignored
>> multiple requests.  You want the URLs?

No. One suggestion was made regarding an internal technical issue (polling
versus using select/poll on the sockets). I've long ago made that change
though I had questions about the best way to do it which were never answered
so even the way I made that change might not be acceptable.

In any case this was just one suggestion made based on discussion which
happened to turn up on list without actually reading the rest of the code. If
you're interested in reviewing the patch I'm sure you would have dozens of
issues. I would be happy to rework it along whatever lines you want.

But I would prefer to see people focus on reviewing major features like HOT,
clustered indexes, GII (which I would suggest calling index organized tables
since that's effectively what they are).

  Gregory Stark
  EnterpriseDB          http://www.enterprisedb.com

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