Tom Lane wrote:
Jeff Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Tom Lane wrote:
Hmm.  Can you try that with \set VERBOSITY verbose so we can determine
where the error is being thrown from?

psql:/tmp/people.sql:79: ERROR:  XX000: unrecognized node type: 655
LOCATION:  _outValue, outfuncs.c:1707

Hmm [ pokes around a bit... ]  Do you perhaps have a higher debug
verbosity level on this machine than the others?  I can't immediately
think of a reason why anything would be trying to print an untransformed
NULL constant, but it sort of looks like that's what's happening.

It seems that was it. When I installed postgres on the new machine, I uncommented and enabled debug_print_parse, something I did not do on the others. Now the entire dump/restore process runs error free.

If you could get a stack trace from the point of the errfinish call it
would be helpful.

Would ktrace work for this? This is my development box, so I can "break" it again.

                        regards, tom lane

Thanks you, Tom.


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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