store mail , send mail, receive mail, filter mail.
I need a mail firewall for a set of bespoke applications in a secure
I will probably use postfix
On 16 Jul 2007, at 17:54, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
On Sun, Jul 15, 2007 at 08:53:54AM +0100, paddy carroll wrote:
Can I have a straw poll on the best way to glue smtp to postgres, is
exim the only option?
What do you mean, "glue smtp to postgres"? You want to authenticate
from Pg, or store the mail in there, or send mail from the database,
or. . .?
Andrew Sullivan | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Users never remark, "Wow, this software may be buggy and hard
to use, but at least there is a lot of code underneath."
--Damien Katz
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