I tried to install postgres onto my macbook via 'fink' and don't like it all that much. I decided to install from source, it's a fallback to my slackware days.

But fink already created a user postgres and I can't seem to find anything to change it's configuration settings for shell, home director...

If anyone has suggestions I would appreciate it.

Also, does anyone know of a more current installation write-up for Mac other than what Apple provides? It's written around 7.4 and I'm not sure it's going to be optimal.

Personally, I use the PG package available on http://www.entropy.ch/ software/macosx/postgresql/. It worked flawlessly, set up initdb, and configured PG to start at boot time.

Aurynn Shaw

The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.503.667.4564 ext 103
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support


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