"Shuo Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> One more question. I'm new to PostgreSQL and not an expert in debugging. 
> After checking the manual, I think I need to turn on the following parameters 
> in order to generate debug info. Do you think doing so would give us what we 
> need to pinpoint the problem?

> debug_assertions
> trace_notify
> trace_sort
> debug_print_parse
> debug_print_rewritten
> debug_print_plan 
> debug_pretty_print

If you can turn on debug_assertions, do so and see if it catches
anything; but it's not enabled in a standard build, and if it is enabled
it's on by default, so I doubt there's any win there unless you're
prepared to rebuild Postgres from source.  The others seem unlikely to
be helpful for this problem.

What would probably be most helpful is a stack trace, but that's not
easy to get on Windows ... which is why the shortest route to a fix
may well be to create a test case that someone can exercise on a more
debug-friendly platform.  If you got a stack trace, and it wasn't
conclusive, we'd have to go in that direction anyway.

                        regards, tom lane

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