On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 01:13:07AM -0700, Laurent ROCHE wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not moving from 6.10 to anything else for now.
> Ubuntu 6.10 LTS is Long Term Support. So for a server that's what I want: 
> everyhting working better and better (via updates) and no major changes ! 
> Getting always the latest version is definitely asking for troubles.
> I don't need the latest version of all the desktop apps and libraries. But 
> it's true that it would be nice to be able to get the latest version of PG.
> For pgAdmin, we had to compile it our-self.
> Hannes recommendation (in another post) of using rpmseek.com (I did not know 
> that one either) seems good.

Ubuntu 6.10 has no LTS, you mean Ubuntu 6.06.
For 6.10 you can install Postgresql 8.2.4 from the backports
repository. It works fine.


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