On Sun, 8 Jul 2007 19:12:46 -0400 Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> Oops :-(  We should certainly make an effort to check the validity of
> the values in pg_autovacuum, but 0 is a perfectly valid value, so the
> check would not help you any in this case :-(

Apparently not, taken into account, that the 'enabled' column was set
to false. So the question remains, why autovacuum is not checking
this column first and then skip other calculations in the case, the table
is not activated at all.

Thinking more forward: would it make sense to have some kind of helper
in the database which gives (if enabled) notices back, if you are doing
something crazy? As example insert a value into a serial column (would
not be wrong and can be perfectly valid but for a beginner this could just
be a problem), maybe some helps from the planner about index usage or
missing index or in case of pg_autovacuum give some hints about
values which seem to create problems.

Kind regards

                                Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum
Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
 (Ferenc Mantfeld)

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