Tom Lane wrote:
> Are you clear on the difference between encoding and locale?

I confidently reply with "maybe".

> You can make new databases with whatever encoding you say, but the
> server's lc_collate and lc_ctype are frozen at initdb, and it will
> not work well to select an encoding that is incompatible with the
> locale setting.  In practice this means that you can only use multiple
> database encodings when you initdb'd in "C" locale; all other locale
> settings imply a particular encoding.
> Yes, this is pretty annoying.  No, it's not easy to fix.

OK I understand now, I think. How do I check what locale is currently
set? I've successfully created a utf8 database, does that imply that
because I was able to create a DB with a different encoding to the ones
all the others use (SQL_ASCII) that my locale is set to "C" ?

- Naz.

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