A. Kretschmer wrote:
am  Tue, dem 03.07.2007, um 23:37:57 +0100 mailte Raymond O'Donnell folgendes:
Hi all,

Is it still possible to get PostgreSQL merchandise? A friend of mine is looking for some, but I can't seem to find where its available.

Can you or your fried visit the pgday.it at Prato, Italy?
http://www.pgday.it/en/ , maybe there.

We, the german postgresql user group, have some stuff like blue plush
elephants, shirts and coffee-cups, see also
http://ads.wars-nicht.de/blog/ (scroll a little bit down), this will be
available in Prato.

I've always had luck finding such items at http://www.cafepress.com/ Here's the tinyurl to a search for postgresql, which found a few items as well as some semi-related:


I found all kinds of clothing as well as coffee cups, license plate frames and clocks.

Until later, Geoffrey

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
 - Benjamin Franklin

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