I want to select several rows of data and have them returned in a single record with the rows joined by a delimiter. It would be great if this could be done in a generic way possibly using the GROUP BY like this:

   SELECT a.id, a.name, STR_SUM(b.name, ',') AS b_names
   FROM a, b
   WHERE a.id = b.id
   GROUP BY a.id, a.name;

Sample data would look like this:

[table a]
 id | name
1   | one
2   | two
3   | three
4   | four

[table b]
 id | name
1   | pizza
1   | hot dog
2   | gorilla
2   | monkey
3   | apple
4   | cheese
4   | milk
4   | eggs

And the result would look like this:

 id | name  | b_names
1   | one   | pizza,hot dog
2   | two   | gorilla,monkey
3   | three | apple
4   | four  | cheese,milk,eggs  

The STR_SUM function above would be some aggregate that just joins records together using concatenation. If the function can't be used as an aggregate, I suppose I could just use a sub-select:

   SELECT a.id, a.name, (
     SELECT STR_SUM(b.name, ',')
     FROM b
     WHERE b.id = a.id) AS b_names
   FROM a;

Does my made-up function "STR_SUM" exist in PostgreSQL already? Has anyone written one they could share? I'm fairly capable with PL/PGSQL and could write a function to loop through records and concate onto a string, but before I brute-force this one, I was hoping to find something more elegant preferred by the community.


-- Dante

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