Hi Mihai,

Microsoft products store false as (0) and true as
(-1) (Why? I don't know!).  Apparently storing a
(-1) requires more than bool provides.  So, you
can either edit all of your Access code so that it
interprets (1) as true (practically, I don't
recommend this), or you can migrate your yes/no
fields to int2.

David Boerwinkle

-----Original Message-----
From: Mihai Gheorghiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Stephen Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; G.L.Lim
Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Conversion from MS Access
to Postgresql

>I tried to export an Access Yes/No field to pgsql
boolean and got an error
>By default, Access (and the ODBC driver) exports
Yes/No to bpchar. However,
>I want to use bool.
>Any suggestions?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stephen Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Monday, June 26, 2000 7:54 PM
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Conversion from MS Access
to Postgresql
>>Having just done it, I can confirm that
converting an Access database
>>to PostgreSQL is very easy.
>>All I did was as follows:
>>1. create an empty Postgresql database,
>>2. cretae an ODBC DSN on the Access machine
pointing at the empty
>>3, fire up Access and Save/As/Export all tables
to the ODBC target.
>>Job done:-))
>>In fact, I had to do some massage to the results
as the export process
>>does not create indexes nor sequences and I
decidesd to change some of
>>the generated data types.
>>This was also easy using the pgdump utility to
dump the data and the
>>definition for editing.
>>Be aware that any column names that include
upper case letters in
>>Access will keep their capitalisation and
require quotes in Postgresql.
>>"G.L.Lim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am curently using MS Access and would like
to convert my existing
>>> database to Postgresql database (maybe into
Postgresql dump file first if
>>> neccessary). Is there any utility or program
that can do that? Please
>>> advise.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Regards,
>>> Geok Leng
>>Stephen Davies Consulting
>>Adelaide, South Australia.               Voice:
08-8177 1595
>>Computing & Network solutions.       Fax:
08-8177 0133

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