> Sir,
> I am currently using ingres and would like to migrate to postgres.
> However the problem is that my existing database is now over  2GB and all of 
> my scsi disks are only at 2GB.  In ingres all I have to do to extend large 
> tables to multiple locations or file systems  (disks) thereby enabling me to 
> look into my table as if it is residing in a single disk.  Is this posible 
> with postgres? 

It is possible with most unix kernels, it is known as "disk striping",
a.k.a. RAID0.

As a kludge, you might want to scatter the tables across multiple
filesystems and symlink them into the database directory. That will
work if no table is larger than 2Gb. When a table reaches 2Gb, you can
let it grow a little over, enough to get split, then move out the
surplus (not sure whether postgres splits tables in systems other than


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