Since everyone here has been so helpful in the past (even when I recently
overlooked something obvious in The Fine Material), I wonder if I might get
a pointer about what to do in this case.
I have a table mapping names to ips; the access to users is through PHP3.
Now, PHP's module to PostgreSQL does not know about the data type inet. I
could just forget about it, but it seems to me the inet data type offers a
number of advantages for easy data extraction. So, I thought the answer
would be simple: I created two tables.
Table "name_and_ip"
Attribute | Type | Modifier
name | varchar(30) | not null
ip | char(15) | not null
Indices: name_and_ip_ip_key,
Table "name_and_ip_v4"
Attribute | Type | Modifier
name | varchar(30) | not null
ip | inet | not null
Indices: name_and_ip_v4_ip_key,
And I thought to have a rule:
create rule name_ip_update as on update to name_and_ip do insert into
name_and_ip_v4(name,ip) values (new.name, new.ip::inet);
ERROR: Cannot cast type 'bpchar' to 'inet'
Is there something else I can do? (Having followed the recent discussion on
rules and triggers, I thought a rule was what I wanted.)
Andrew Sullivan Computer Services
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Burlington Public Library
+1 905 639 3611 x158 2331 New Street
Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 1J4