If you are trying to install the most recent version, you could try rpm -Uvh .... Depending on what distribution you are using and how it is configured, Postgresql may be installed. However, on earlier version of RedHat (can't quite remember which), although postgresql was installed, it took a bit of tweaking the system startup scripts, environment variables, create the user postgres, and run initdb to get it working. Some people found it confusing. I talked to guy in town who said he was in a discussion on the internet where the concluded the earlier RPMS were broken for RedHat. They weren't, but the initialization process was confusing people. Conclusion: Even if postgresql is installed on your system from a previous version, re-install it with the new rpms. It's easier to get running, and works much better. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Travis Bauer | CS Grad Student | IU |www.cs.indiana.edu/~trbauer ---------------------------------------------------------------- > -------- Original Message -------- > Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 23:19:25 PDT > From: "santosh behera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Hi everybody, > Can any body help me is troubleshooting my PostgreSQL installation > !.when > giving rpms ---- postgr*.rpm it replies postgreSQL already installed. > No > daemon of postmaster is running. > Please help me how i can be sure if at all this is installed and start > a > session .