--- "Robert B. Easter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Try recompiling php 4.0RC1 or whatever is current with the latest Apache
>source (1.3.12).  I'm thinking maybe you are not running php as compiled into
>the server. 

Thanks - I had PHP compiled into the server - though I may try the recompile as a last 
resort (before the major last resort of just keeping images as files and putting the 
filename and location into the db).

Someone asked if my INPUT was correct. Here's what I've got:

pg_Exec($conn, "BEGIN");
$oid = pg_locreate($conn);
$handle = pg_loopen($conn, $oid, "w");
pg_lowrite($handle, $file);
$result = pg_Exec($conn, "INSERT INTO file (file, filetype, permissions, key_imageid) 
VALUES ('$oid', '$filetype','$permissions','$imageid')" );
pg_Exec($conn, "COMMIT");

Unfortunately there aren't tons of examples around for this stuff so I don't have much 
to compare this to. (Based this off the Addison Wesley book).


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