I thought TEXT had a limit of 8K or something around that size, I would
need something larger.

Stephan Richter wrote:
> At 08:19 PM 4/22/00 +0000, Paul Dlug wrote:
> >I'm sure this has come up before because it just logically seems like
> >others would have run up against this too. Is it possible to store a
> >large amount of text in a row/field? I want to store articles in the
> >database along with information about them, sort of a content databasing
> >system. Can anyone reccommend a good way to go about doing this in
> >Postgres? Any and all help greatly appreciated.
> The TEXT type will help you or do you look for something else?
>      id                  int8,
>      content     text);
> Regards,
> Stephan
> --
> Stephan Richter - (901) 573-3308 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> CBU - Physics & Chemistry; Framework Web - Web Design & Development
> PGP Key: 735E C61E 5C64 F430 4F9C 798E DCA2 07E3 E42B 5391

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