> Sounds like you are running of filedescriptors That can be due to
> following factors:
> 1. Kernel limit is exhausted (not likely, i think default is
> 1024fds/process), and needs to be adjusted
> 2. You are exceeding your ulimit for fds. type ulimit -a and see what's it
> set to.
> 3. Postgres is leaking FDs...Not likely. But cd /proc/<pid>/fds and see
> how many of them are used. If the number is steadily growing with time,
> its likely to be the case.

No. The message "AllocateFile: too many private FDs demanded" means it
ran out the stido file descriptor pool that is different from normal
file descriptors. PostgreSQL maintains the stdio file descriptor pool
for relatively short life usage (within a transaction). The size of
the pool is limited by a compile-time defined constant
(MAX_ALLOCATED_FILES, currently 32), not by the kernel limit. I've
never seen this before, and sounds really strange. Maybe we have found
a new bug under a relatively rare conditions?

By the way, 

        pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection

means clients exit without explicitly closing a connection to the
backend, which cannot be said a very good manner, and that might be a
bug of clients. However, usually the message is just a wanrning, and
should not do anything bad with the backend except that it silently
Tatsuo Ishii

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