So far forget it.
I am working now on quick and dirty scheme for inherited objects (triggers,
indexes, rules) generation.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Harder [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 14 marca 2000 07:12
> Subject:      TRIGGER inheritance?
> I'm using PGSQL 7 to create a new database, and would like to track
> timestamps
> and user names for record insertions and updates. Rather than declare the
> fields
> for each table, I've created a 'base' table that will be inherited by all
> others.  Here is a simplified example:
>         create_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT TEXT 'now',
>         create_user TEXT DEFAULT CURRENT_USER,
>         mod_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT TEXT 'now',
>         mod_user TEXT DEFAULT CURRENT_USER
> );
> CREATE TABLE person (
> ) INHERITS(base);
> On insert, the creation time and user will be set by default, and this
> works
> fine for the person table.  The problem is that I don't know how to force
> mod_time and mod_user to be changed whenever a person record is updated,
> unless
> I create a trigger explicitly for the person table.  For instance, the
> following
> trigger will only update the mod_user field of the base table:
> CREATE TRIGGER base_mod_user
>         BEFORE UPDATE ON base
>         FOR EACH ROW
>         EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_username(mod_user);
> I had hoped that I could append an asterisk to the base table name as you
> can
> with the SELECT clause, but it causes an error, eg:
> CREATE TRIGGER base_mod_user
>         BEFORE UPDATE ON base*
>         FOR EACH ROW
>         EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_username(mod_user);
> Is there any way to inherit the behaviour of a trigger?  Is there a
> simpler way
> to accomplish this task without writing almost identical triggers for
> every
> single table?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
> Ian Harder

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