On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
> As Jeff mentioned earlier today, there is a poll going on at
> http://www.linux.com that asks:
> Several high-quality databases are available for Linux. Which database,
> if any, does your company primarily use with its Linux servers?
> Right now, PostgreSQL is lagging MySQL 21% to 48% ...
> Who hasn't voted? :) Get out there and make yourself heard, eh?
Yesterday I spent a few minutes trying to choose the DB to vote for. I
am using both Postgres and MySQL - different tasks require different
aproaches and solutions - and I am satisfied with both DBs. There are
niches for both of them.
Finally I voted for Postgres - just because MySQL already has its votes :)
Oleg Broytmann http://members.xoom.com/phd2/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.